The project

We are aware that everything we do has an impact on the environment in which we live. That is why each of our actions is thought out and carried out in a way to minimize such impacts. After all, those who work with protection must value issues such as conscious consumption and the environment.

Over the course of more than 10 years, Danny has acted in a targeted manner in various areas, supporting activities related to the three pillars of Sustainability: Social, Environmental, and Economic.

In 2020, we created the Danny Sustainable Program, which unifies all actions taken by Danny into a single program that covers various areas of operation, such as reducing energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste and packaging management, promoting sustainable products and solutions, among others. The company also seeks to engage its employees, customers, and suppliers in promoting sustainability. Our contribution also extends to the sustainable development of the communities where we operate, promoting social responsibility and business ethics.

The program is based on 5 of the 17 themes addressed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Climate Action.

As a result, Danny has created and maintained an environment of respect for human rights, with a diverse and active workforce, constantly proposing intelligent solutions in everything it does.

Danny Sustentável

Reduced CO2 from 2021 to 2022

Produtos ECO amigáveis


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Ações internas

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Smart Water Fountains

Water plays an important role in our lives. It's no wonder health professionals recommend regular fluid intake to maintain good health. That's why Danny distributed stainless steel water bottles to all its employees in 2019 and installed Smart Water Fountains at its two facilities. The operation is simple: the employee brings their water bottle close to the device, which has a sensor that automatically regulates the filling process, preventing water waste. This allows for a measurement of how many PET bottles are saved, further encouraging everyone to engage in this healthy and responsible habit.

Fusce condimentum metus a neque fermentum consequat (en)

Encouraging the reduction of pollutant gases

With each action, a person can produce some type of pollutant waste: when traveling in their vehicle, grabbing a coffee in a disposable cup, or even when using office supplies without proper control.

That's why Danny is constantly working on initiatives to reduce pollutants, showing that simple attitudes can make a significant difference to the environment. Some of these actions, such as distributing thermos flasks, cutlery, and lunch boxes (to encourage employees to use alternatives to plastic), providing cups made from bamboo and rice fibers as a replacement for disposable ones, among others, are ways for Danny to take care of its teams while also caring for the environment.

Proin nec euismod elit. Ut dui dui (en)

Sustainable Support Materials

A team uses a huge amount of office supplies daily, such as notebooks, pens, loose sheets, notepads, among others. Over time, this generates an undesirable amount of by-products. Considering the consequences for the environment, Danny has been replacing regular office paper in its daily activities. Since 2021, recycled paper has been present in notebooks, printers, and other essential materials in the day-to-day life of a department.

Proin nec euismod elit. Ut dui dui (en)

Selective Waste Collection

Properly disposing of trash may seem like a simple action, but it is actually a key element in building a more sustainable world. To contribute to this mission, Danny has placed specific and labeled trash bins throughout its facilities for the correct disposal of daily waste generated by employees. Thanks to the team's engagement, the results are improving day by day.

Fusce condimentum metus a neque fermentum consequat (en)

Battery disposal

One thing that few people know how to do correctly is the proper disposal of batteries. To prevent them from being thrown away irresponsibly, Danny regularly collects these devices and subsequently sends them to a responsible and sustainable disposal facility

Fusce condimentum metus a neque fermentum consequat (en)

Diversity Committees:

Here at Danny, everyone has a voice. This is something that has been at the core of our organization since its foundation. Listening and being heard is part of our daily routine, which is why the environment is always not only highly professional but also friendly and welcoming. This is something we will always take seriously.



Acesse nosso blog Acesse nosso blog

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El Niño Brasil

Condições normais sem El NiñoNormalmente, os ventos alísios (de leste para oeste) empurram a água quente da superfície do oceano ao longo do Equador e

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Neutralização de carbonoA neutralização de carbono é um processo que tem como objetivo equilibrar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (como o dióxid

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Saiba o que são profissionais ESG e como técnicos, engenheiros de segurança do trabalho e profissionais da indústria podem se especializar em sustenta

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Que Todas as Indústrias e Empresa de Segurança do Trabalho Podem ImplementarConfira 4 projetos de sustentabilidade que todas as indústrias e empresas

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O que é efeito estufa?O efeito estufa é um fenômeno natural que acontece para manter o calor gerado pelo sol dentro da atmosfera da terra. Isso aconte

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O que são ODS?Os ODS (Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável) é um programa desenvolvido pela ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) no qual países, em

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Adopt a Project

We extend our social and environmental responsibility by adopting a green square. Thisinitiative is part of the Adopt a Green Space Project, which aims to promote the preservation and revitalization of urban green areas, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life in communities and the sustainability of the environment. This initiative brings numerous benefits to the community, promoting health, quality of life, social interaction, and environmental awareness, and strengthening the relationship between the company and society.

Eco-friendly Products

Danny EPI, recognizing the importance of sustainability, developed the Eco Product Line. These products are manufactured using recycled, biodegradable, or sustainable materials, minimizing environmental impact and reducing the consumption of natural resources. The line encourages waste reduction and promotes environmental awareness among customers and employees. By choosing ecologically sound options, consumers strengthen environmental responsibility and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Construindo uma sociedade melhor, de dentro para fora.

Sustainable packaging

Danny EPI, aware of its role in preserving the environment, adopts sustainable packaging for its products. This initiative, in addition to minimizing environmental impact, promotes ecological responsibility and care for the planet. The packaging is made from recycled materials, reducing the demand for natural resources and decreasing the amount of solid waste.

Customer Satisfaction Survey -Voice of the Customer

We value our customers' opinions and use satisfaction surveys to ensure the excellence of our products and services. This survey is essential to understand the needs and expectations of consumers, assess the quality and performance of products, as well as the support and service provided.

Huella de carbono: La neutralización es necesaria y posible.

Nulla finibus, lorem in malesuada gravida (en)

Danny is part of a much larger whole: nature. That's why, in addition to the impacts on the community, we also care about what we cause to our planet. We know that each of our actions, from the simplest to the most complex, produce the so-called GHG (Greenhouse Gases), and for this reason, the company has been adapting in recent years to reduce and offset its carbon footprint, and finally, we managed to neutralize this index in our daily activities. After all, the foundation of our purpose is to understand, protect, and innovate, and this also applies to our presence and interaction with nature.

Through a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of our products and processes, we have been able to conduct a deep mapping of all activities, end-to-end, taking into account indexes such as the number of employees and their respective work arrangements (remote, in-person, etc.), energy and fuel expenses, national and international flights, equipment (refrigerators, air conditioners, fire extinguishers, etc.), up to the point of consumption by the end-user.

Fusce quis placerat arcu, nec consectetur eros (en)
pegada de carbono 3

From these indexes, we were able to establish a carbon footprint reduction plan, also including actions to offset emissions, in order to achieve the much-desired neutralization. After calculations, we were able to precisely determine our emissions, and finally, in 2022, we zeroed our carbon footprint through the reconfiguration of our transportation system, energy use, tree replanting, payment of carbon credits, among other actions that will impact the results accounted for in the coming years as well.


Eu Reciclo - Danny incentiva a reciclagem Danny zera pegada de carbono Morbi ac metus eget nunc luctus malesuada (en) Danny sustentável


CO2 neutralization



Veja o quanto você
contribui usando luvas ECO

Quantos pares de luvas você usa?

Quantos mangotes (curtos) você usa?

Quantos mangotes (longos) você usa?

Você está ajudando a salvar os oceanos!
As luvas sustentáveis que você está usando são feitas a partir de garafas PET retiradas dos oceanos.
Gera economia e evita o desperdício e energia e água
Reutiliza garrafas que leveriam 450 anos para decompor no mar
Reduz a emissão de CO2 diminuindo os impactos negativos na atmosfera
Ao usar luvas ECO, você está contribuindo com a preservação do ambiente!